Tricia Tanimura

Associate Principal

Bachelor of Architecture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Why Aedis?
My senior thesis in college was about evaluating the impacts of the classroom environment and how students performed within the classroom setting. I was particularly interested in education/school projects, and Aedis specializes in just that! Aedis also supports me, both for professional and personal growth. It has been a good fit for me. Creating spaces for kids of the future is priceless.

Outside the office…
I enjoy travel and next on my list of places to visit are Antarctica, the Falklands and South Georgia. I grew up fishing and camping during the summer and enjoyed being outdoors with family and friends, with many nights spent around campfires. I enjoy being outdoors on a nice hike or bike ride, as well as crafts, Legos, wine tasting, sports, and reading. Additionally, for the past few years, I have e-mentored students in the 3rd through 6th grades via In 2 Books. This mentoring program includes reading their grade level books and talking with the students about them over the internet. It’s a great way to interact with students and engage in their learning. Making a small impact on the children of our future to impact their learning skills and lessons is rewarding.